March 23, 2011

Catching up again

Well, Day 19 & 20 were tough for me to think of, but I finally think I got it figured out!

Day 19 — A talent of yours
Ever since the age of 7 or 8 I have loved the water.  We went on a trip to California and went swimming at the pool of a condo of one of my Dad's friends.  There was a boy there swimming, probably a little bit older than me along with his grandfather, who was sitting poolside.  The grandfather had thrown quarters in the pool and said whoever could swim to the bottom and pick them up the quarters could keep them.  Well, I took this as a challenge!  I can't remember how many I was able to pick up or even if I picked up any.  But it was a definite turning point with water for me.  As before I had struggled with swimming and water.  I even went on to be on the Fridley swim team from 7th-12th grade.  My favorite events were the 200yd and 500yd swims (considered distance for high school).  I never won state or anything like that, but my husband has told me that the only time I seem graceful is when I'm swimming (for me that's a talent!).

Day 20 — A hobby of yours
I have several hobbies, right now I am training for a 5K in April (after that is over I will start training for a triathlon in August).  I also enjoy scrap  booking and beading.

Day 21 — Something you know you do differently than most people

I get lots of comments on this next one; everyone sees how I write and will make the comment, "oh you're a lefty!"  I am not actually a lefty, I am a right handed person who's handwriting appears to be that of a lefty.  I recall the struggle I had when first learning to write how I wasn't holding my pencil properly and how I was slanting the paper too much.  Even to this day I don't write "properly".  I eventually learned that no one really cares how you hold a pen or pencil or how the page is slanted as long as it is legible.  If I don't slant my paper my words would practically be laying on their sides!  I don't know if it's a flexibility issue in my wrist or what, but I've become rather fond of my writing style and it's a little unique thing about me! My handwriting style is quite unique (I've heard it described on more than one occasion as "European") almost everyone who knows me can recognize it as mine right away.

Day 22 — A website

This one is too easy!  I am not sure if my husband or I found it first, but we both really enjoy I got Cory The Oatmeal book for his birthday this year.  I have spent many hours reading the cartoons and laughing at this site, I love it!

Hopefully I will stay inspired and post daily from now on!


  1. hi katie! so nice to hear from you! it's weird that we have never officially met but i definitely feel like i know you. i hope you keep posting, i didn't know you had a blog!

  2. Thanks Liz, I feel the same way! I keep getting side tracked by life and forget about the blog!
