March 5, 2011

Day 4- A Favorite Television Show

I used to watch TV ALL the time, but after losing about 40lbs I have less and less interest sitting around on my rear end, inside. As I type this I am thinking about how I want to do Zumba, go for a 2 mile run and maybe even a bike ride today! It also helps that both Cory and I refuse to pay for cable television, we do have Netflix streaming, but that way we can choose what we want to watch when and there are no commercials. I think I am going to cheat a bit and choose two shows one that I enjoy and one that Cory and I enjoy watching together.

My absolute favorite TV show is Amazing race, every Sunday I watch it on TV and I HATE when it's not on.

My favorite TV show to watch with Cory is Sons of Anarchy, it's done by the same guy who did The Shield, a television show in which I 100% hate, I refuse to even LISTEN to that show. However, I really like the family centered feeling of Sons of Anarchy and I love Katey Sagal's character Gemma. I also enjoy sitting down with my husband watching something that we BOTH enjoy!

That's all for now :-).

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